Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Infrastructure And Facilities

Lab Name : Applied Electronics Laboratory

Sr. No. Entity Details
1 Lab In Charge Mr. Gadade B. M.
2 Lab Investment Rs. 24,09,074 /-

Laboratory Major Equipment Details :

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity Cost
1 Spectrum analyzer 3Ghz-Regol 1 486000
2 DSO- Tektronics, TDS1002C, 60MHz, 2 Ch 3 46121
3 Doublesided UV Exposure unit 1 45630
4 Roller tining machine 1 44100
5 Digital storage oscilloscope-cro H7 1 41310
6 Transducer kit 1 41310
7 Linear (Analog) IC tester 1 36900
8 DSO, TEKTRONICS, TDS 1001C, 40 Mhz 2 Ch. 4 35000
9 Photo resist dip coating machine 1 30780
10 Developer (2 in 1 unit) 1 29250
11 PCB artwork film marker 1 24120

Photos of Laboratory :

Lab Name : Advanced Digital Electronics Laboratory

Sr. No. Entity Details
1 Lab In Charge Mrs. Pol K. A.
2 Lab Investment Rs. 4,62,100/-

Laboratory Major Equipment Details :

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity Cost
1 8051 Universal Development platform 021448 to 021452 5 40428
2 PIC Micro Controller Development Board with Programmer 0214304 to 0214307 4 27842

Photos of Laboratory :

Lab Name : Measurement & Control Laboratory

Sr. No. Entity Details
1 Lab In Charge Ms. Kulkarni G. S.
2 Lab Investment Rs. 10,09,858/-

Laboratory Major Equipment Details :

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity Cost
1 PLC trainer Kit 1 95000
2 Logic Analyzer 1 89000
3 RF Signal Generator 2 28700
4 Frequency response of 2nd order system using RLC 1 25156
5 Verify the use of Timers and counters with suitable application.PLC 1 24850

Photos of Laboratory :

Lab Name : Computer Center

Sr. No. Entity Details
1 Lab In Charge Mrs. Thombare S. B.
2 Lab Investment Rs. 14,40,262/-

Laboratory Major Equipment Details :

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity Cost
1 Computer set 35 483333
2 Matlab Software 10 160440
3 Control System tool box 10 64176
4 Signal Processing tool box 10 64176
5 Online UPS 6 KVA Make – Emerson 1 61000
6 SMF Battery exide 26 AH SMF 16 33440

Photos of Laboratory :

Lab Name : Communication Engineering Laboratory

Sr. No. Entity Details
1 Lab In Charge Mr. Kale R. U.
2 Lab Investment Rs. 14,40,091/-

Laboratory Major Equipment Details :

Sr. No. Name of Equipment Quantity Cost
1 RADAR Trainer Kit 1 100000
2 Microwave test bench & reflex klystron 2 107848
3 GSM trainer kit 2 69360
4 Mobile trainer kit 2 68612
6 Transmission line trainer kit/ Coaxial cable e.g. (RG174) -100mtrs 2 51660
7 Dipole & yagi uda antenna kit (Scientech) 1 35972
8 Cathode ray oscilloscope 2 31500
9 Calculate the Numerical Aperture(NA) of given optical fiber 2 30600
10 Study of Colour TV trainer 1 25875

Photos of Laboratory :